CEC Launches First Group Discount Solar Power in Santa Barbara


On May 1, CEC is launching Solarize Santa Barbara – a group purchasing program that makes buying home solar power as easy and affordable as possible. This pilot program is modeled after similar successful programs in cities like Portland, Oregon (which has 60 days of sunshine annually compared to our 300). Solarize Santa Barbara will reduce challenges that keep homeowners from going solar – like finding a contractor, pricing the right system, and permitting.

It works like this: as a Santa Barbara home or property owner, you sign up to be in the group. CEC does all the hard work: vetting and selecting a qualified solar contractor who will offer a group discount on a pre-selected solar energy system, and throw in technical help to get your new solar panels permitted. In no time, you’re generating your own electricity from sunshine.

Time is limited for this pilot program. Learn more and sign up today at CEC’s Solarize Santa Barbara website.


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